Circolo Mandolinistico Costantino Bertucci   English

Guest Book


since 26.11.2000

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The Circolo Mandolinistico Costantino Bertucci is a musical association, legally constituted in Rome in 1995, though operating since 1990 with a different denomination (EAM - Ensemble Arte Mandolinistica), whose proposal is to renew a typically Italian musical tradition and to fill up an unjustifiable empty space in the musical landscape of our country.
The "Circoli Mandolinistici" spread out in Italy and in the rest of the world during the last quarter of 1800.
The model of the Anglo-Saxon club as a meeting place for social, humanitarian, sports and cultural thematics, found fertile ground also in the Italian society, wich had been renewed and motivated by the recent national unification.
The roman Costantino Bertucci (1841-1931) was one of the most important mandolinistic character of that period. He was highly considered as a concert artist, and he also dedicated himself to teaching, with the avowed intention of enhancing the technical and musical levels of his students.


The Circolo Mandolinistico Costantino Bertucci carries on its activity both in instrumental didactics and in recovering a repertory to which a great importance is given by those countries (Gemany, France, Spain, England, United States, Japan) which for a century have kept alive the passion for mandolin.
Thanks to course held by skilled, trained and qualified teachers, it has been possible to form a group of musicians in order to create a permanent plucked orchestra which, in its repertory, has original compositions ranging from the Baroque period to nowadays. In this way it has contributed to the maintenance of an enormous musical patrimony which is typically Italian.
In order to enrich the musical education of the youngest, it has realized several concert-lessons in many primary schools in Rome.
The Circolo has started the creation of a musical archive in order to recover and keep the specific repertory of plucked instruments with a particular eye to the authors of the Roman School since 1700 to nowadays.


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